Be Still Devotional: Day 6

Devotion for Monday February 17
Kathleen Yarborough | Community Ministries Director

Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Devotional Thought
Years ago, when I walked the Houston Marathon (yes walked; it’s a thing), there was one thing that got me and the two ladies I was walking with through those 26.2 miles. It was not thinking about the joy of crossing the finish line. It was not worrying if we could make it. It was being stayed on the next mile marker. That was our total focus. As we passed each marker, we shouted out the mile like the Count from Sesame Street and then moved on to the next one. Before we knew it, we were crossing the finish line!

We stayed our minds on the steps in front of us, and that allowed us to reach our goal. Isaiah tells us that if our goal is perfect peace, our minds need to be stayed on the Lord, and we need to trust in Him. This is a promise. Our minds stayed on and trusting in God will give us perfect peace.

Unfortunately, we often stay our minds on the things of the world. With just a little more money, a more fulfilling job, a perfect relationship, everything will be great, and we will be at peace. But these pursuits will never leave us with perfect peace—that can only come from God.

So, what does your mind being stayed on God look like? It’s a constant focusing of your mind on God. Daily spiritual disciplines such as solitude (i.e., being alone with God), Bible reading, prayer, and worship create a framework that allow our minds to stay centered on God. Add to this trusting God with all the details of our life, and we can enjoy the promised perfect peace. Of course we will still have challenges, but we face them with that same perfect peace.

Reflection Questions
  • When your mind is not stayed on God, what or who is it stayed on?
  • What spiritual disciplines do you currently have that bring your mind back to God? Which could you add?

Suggested prayer/action step
Have ten minutes of solitude each day for the next seven days to be alone with God and to completely focus on Him, His goodness, and His love for you. If your mind strays, simply bring it back to Him.

1 Comment

Wendy Follis - February 20th, 2025 at 7:17am

One of my favorite verses, come to life in such a meaningful way! Thanks Kathleen and to Justin for having this wonderful idea to have these devos! They have blessed me!




