Be Still Devotional: Day 26

Devotion for Monday March 17
Savannah Browning | Bellaire Campus Administrative Assistant

Ephesians 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.

Devotional Thought
Confession time: the verses that follow this passage of Scripture have always been one of my least favorite passages. Ephesians 6:10 is the lead-in to the “Armor of God” section. Images of fighting, war, and conflict come flooding my mind. Who on earth would want to go to war?! Not me. But if we dig deeper, Paul gives us words of great peace.
We are instructed to “be strong.” I have never considered myself to be a very strong person, so the instruction to be strong can be difficult. I can’t just be strong. However, if we look at the original Greek, this term uses a passive voice. Elsewhere, it is translated as “be strengthened.” We can’t strengthen ourselves, but instead we are empowered to be strengthened in the Lord. It requires union with Him. When we abide in Him, we are strengthened in our inner being. It’s nothing I can do but God can do through me. When we rest on that promise, it no longer puts the burden on us. It is the strength of His might; God supplies it. And this strength comes from recognizing our utter dependence on Him.

Now don’t get me wrong, we aren’t called to be passive. There are many action words used to indicate we have an active role to play. In the verses that follow, we are repeatedly told to take up and put on in order to be equipped with the whole armor of God. But even in this seemingly impossible undertaking, God is the one providing all we need to be fully equipped. He gives us the weapons and the shields, the offensive and defensive supplies we need to be strong. And we can be still and rest knowing that our strength comes from the Lord.

Reflection Questions
  • In what areas do you struggle to be strong?
  • How does the knowledge that God supplies His strength affect how you approach the battles of this world?

Suggested prayer/action step
Read Ephesians 6:10–20 and thank God for supplying each piece of armor.

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