Be Still Devotional: Day 15

Devotion for Friday February 28
Aaron Senseman | Bellaire Worship Pastor

Hosea 12:6
So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God.

Devotional Thought
Amid Hosea’s call to the Israelites, we find one of Scripture's most persistent messages: a call to return to God, anchored in love and justice. This verse reminds us of the heart of our relationship with God and with others. It bids us reflect on our daily walk, asking if we embody the love emanating from God’s character.

What does it mean to return to God? It’s interesting to me that the verse implies we cannot return to Him without help from Him. So, this is more than acknowledging his presence. It is a call for a transformation of our hearts and actions. Where we once were driven by ambition or selfish desires, in Christ, we are free to choose God’s love as a motivator— but it starts with His help and the work of the Spirit of God within us.

The final call to “wait continually for your God” speaks to the importance of patience and trust. As we pursue God’s calling on our lives, there will be moments of uncertainty and waiting. In those moments when we are tempted to take matters into our own hands, we are reminded to lean into God’s timing, trusting that He is faithful to guide us.

Today, examine your life and return to God with a renewed commitment to remain in His presence. Wait expectantly for His guidance, knowing that His plans for us are good and perfect, even when we can’t see it.

Reflection Questions
  • Is there someone in your life you have treated unjustly?
  • Have you ever been treated unjustly?

Suggested prayer/action step
Lord, I need your help to return to you today. Keep my mind firmly fixed on you as I wait on your presence. Give me the grace to forgive those who have treated me unfairly and the humility to reconcile with those I may have wronged.

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