Be Still Devotional: Day 11

Devotion for Monday February 24

Proverbs 20:22
Do not say, 'I will repay evil'; wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you.

Devotional Thought
As children, many of us learn to hold a grudge until we get to taste the satisfaction of revenge. The older we get, the more bitter that “sweet revenge” can taste. You might wonder why, but still continue to repay evil with evil. For many of us, until we first accept the free gift of salvation, we may not understand that “revenge is the Lord’s.”

As we begin to walk with Christ, he can drastically change our hearts in this matter! However, the change doesn't come over night. God shows us that there is no sin we can commit that He will hold on to; He still decides to pursue us with unwavering love. With this understanding, we can go from holding grudges and getting revenge to extending His grace and mercy and learning how to truly forgive. The heavy weight of holding on to this evil in our heart is what He will deliver us from.

Before Christ, what we felt was right and “tasted good” was actually wrong and self-corrupting. Waiting on the Lord is a lot lighter of a load than the weight of acting in sin.

Reflection Questions
  • How often do you slow down to check in with the Lord to see if you are responding in a Christlike manner?
  • Do you “die to self” daily and lean on the Lord for direction?

Suggested prayer/action step
Heavenly Father, help me see where I am failing to represent you and give me the strength to change my old sinful habits. Open my eyes to my selfish reactions and show me how to respond the way you would. Lord, slow me down and realign my heart with yours; teach me to be still and trust in you and your ways for they will always be better and good. Amen.

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