We are fueled for God's mission through gathered worship
Houston has one of the most diverse populations in the nation, and our incredibly high population of Chinese speaking residents means we serve the Chinese community at CityRise in all ministries, even in your heart language. We'd love for you to consider joining us in person!
主日学 // 9:45a
崇拜时间 // 礼拜天早上 // 11:00a
西大学中文堂的聚会是在6218 Auden St, Houston, TX 77005, 在西大学浸信会中文堂借用西大学老年中心聚会(6104 Auden St, Houston, TX 77005)。我们的牧师是陶加献牧师。我们热忱地欢迎你来参加我们的崇拜和主日学,同时我们的孩子们有安排他们的主日学。9:45的主日学结束之后,我们有实体的崇拜。愿耶和华同在的喜乐与平安伴随你。
主日学 // 9:45a
崇拜时间 // 礼拜天早上 // 11:00a
西大学中文堂的聚会是在6218 Auden St, Houston, TX 77005, 在西大学浸信会中文堂借用西大学老年中心聚会(6104 Auden St, Houston, TX 77005)。我们的牧师是陶加献牧师。我们热忱地欢迎你来参加我们的崇拜和主日学,同时我们的孩子们有安排他们的主日学。9:45的主日学结束之后,我们有实体的崇拜。愿耶和华同在的喜乐与平安伴随你。

Our Chinese speaking congregation meets at our West U Baptist campus at 6218 Auden and worships on Sundays at 11:00 am and offers Community Groups at 9:45 am. Pastor Michael Liang and his team offer Bible study for all ages, ESL, and a time of worship.
我们的中文堂会众,在位于 6218 Auden 的 West U Baptist 园区聚会。周日上午 9:45 主日学,上午11:00 是主日崇拜。粱牧师和他的团队为所有年龄段的人提供圣经学习和礼拜。
我们的中文堂会众,在位于 6218 Auden 的 West U Baptist 园区聚会。周日上午 9:45 主日学,上午11:00 是主日崇拜。粱牧师和他的团队为所有年龄段的人提供圣经学习和礼拜。
• Worship // 11am
• Community Groups // 9:45 am
• Community Groups // 9:45 am
• 敬拜 // 上午11
• 主日学 // 上午 9:45
• 主日学 // 上午 9:45
Serving You

Walking in your faith life together is central to the way CityRise brings the message to you and to the world.
共同践行信仰生活是 CityRise 将信息传达给您和世界的核心。

Your spiritual journey and identity in Christ are served well at CityRise through groups, classes, and worship with others in your stage of life alongside others.
在 CityRise,您在人生阶段与其他人一起进行小组、课程和敬拜,可以很好地满足您在基督里的精神旅程和身份。

Houston may be home now, but getting connected into a new community is part of being connected to the local church. We are here for you.
休斯顿现在可能已经回家了,但与新社区的联系是与当地教堂联系的一部分。 我们在这里为您服务。

The entire family has the opportunity to grow in Christ, both as a family and as individuals. We want to help you take advantage of all opportunities.
整个家庭和个人都有机会在基督里成长。 我们希望帮助您利用所有机会。
Community Groups
As an adult, it is important to connect with other adults in similar life stages. Community Groups aim to help you grow alongside others to both give and receive in your walk of faith.
作为成年人,与处于相似生命阶段的其他成年人建立联系非常重要。 社区团体旨在帮助您与他人一起成长,在您的信仰之路上给予和接受。
With a start and finish date, a class is a great way to get into one topic, grow, and respond in faith. Classes are designed with you in mind. From financial classes to apologetics, CityRise gives you the opportunity to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
课程有开始和结束日期,是进入某个主题、成长并凭信心做出回应的好方法。 课程的设计充分考虑了您的需求。 从金融课程到护教学,CityRise 为您提供通过思想更新而改变的机会。

Men's Ministry
With a weekly mens bible study and meeting, we hope to connect you regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. We provide meaningful activities and gatherings year round for guys to connect with God and others.
Men's Bible Study | Tuesdays 6:15-7:30a at West U Baptist Chapel
Women's Ministry
There are many opportunities for you to connect with each other regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. We provide meaningful activities and gatherings year round for ladies to connect with God and others.
With free English classes of various levels available, everyone is welcome! Childcare is available. You can come to one class or all classes. To register, come a few minutes before the class starts.
Contact Us
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