Be Still Devotional: Day 2

Devotion for Tuesday February 11th
by Kenneth Watkins | Missouri City Worship Pastor

Exodus 14:13
And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.”
Devotional Thought
In baseball, a pinch hitter steps into the batter’s box at a critical moment in the game. They weren’t the original player expected to bat, but the team relies on them to deliver when the pressure is on, and the stakes are high. Their presence at the plate often shifts the momentum of the game, even in seemingly impossible situations.

In today’s verse, the Israelites are in their own critical moment: with the depths of the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army of well over 1,800 men behind, it seems like they are in an impossible situation. Fear and doubt appear; the Israelites are preferring to have remained in captivity instead of risking dying in the wilderness (v. 12). But God, the ultimate pinch hitter, steps into the situation. Moses reminds them that victory doesn’t depend on their strength or strategy but on God’s faithfulness, that He will deliver. They need only stand firm and trust Him. Like the pinch hitter who changes the game, God’s intervention shifted the momentum and brought victory, even when it seemed impossible.

Life often thrusts us into challenges that cause us to feel unequipped, overwhelmed, or trapped. Like the Israelites, we often want to act out, run, or capitulate when we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations. In these very moments, God asks us to be still and trust Him and his ability to “pinch hit.” Staying spiritually strong not only develops godly character for future events, but it also grounds and prepares us to see His deliverance. It’s in these moments that we must remember God is ready to step in and deliver—all we need to do is stand firm.
Reflection Questions
  • Does my attitude and response in times of trial communicate intimacy and faith in God, creator and master of everything?
  • In what ways have I experienced God being faithful to His promises in His word?
  • How can I actively practice standing firm and trusting God?
Suggested prayer/action step
  • List five moments when God has already “pinch-hit” in your life. Reflect on His deliverance
  • Identify a situation where fear or uncertainty is bringing about anxiety. Pray for God’s intervention, asking Him to show you how to stand firm in the situation.
  • Write down a verse that highlights the faithfulness of God and memorize it. Spiritually strengthen yourself for the next bout of faith.

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