Be Still Devotional: Day 19

Devotion for Thursday March 6
Fergie Mitra | Accountant

Micah 7:7
But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

Devotional Thought
“God, help me!”

This is one of the simplest prayers we can speak, and I find myself saying it frequently every day. Whether I am faced with a tremendous or a trivial challenge, I want to remind myself that God is the one in control.

One way to discern who has authority over a situation is to observe who people ask for help. In ancient times, a king would be honored by his subjects when they came with petitions before him. It was this relationship that Absalom disrupted when he sought to usurp the throne from his father, David. He positioned himself between the people of Israel and the rightful king, saying that he would be the one to solve their problems, not David.

When we need help, we should be mindful to let nothing come between us and Jesus, the heir of David. May our eyes be opened to see God at work in the world. Let us not confuse God’s instruments of helpful people and happy coincidences with the sovereign who wields them.

Let us look first to the Lord, who sympathizes with us and graciously provides for our needs. He has sought each one of us and rescued us personally so that every Christian can say “Jesus is the God of my salvation.” He is our most faithful friend, and He will hear us when we call to Him.

Reflection Questions
  • Am I looking to God first when I need help?
  • Do I recognize and give thanks to God when help comes?

Suggested prayer/action step
When you are faced with a problem today, remember to ask God for help as your first step to fix the problem.

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