The Secret to True Fulfillment

Are you trying to make your life work but still feel something’s missing?
The story of the rich young ruler offers profound insight into why morality, money, and success leave us unfulfilled. Through this man’s encounter with Jesus, we discover the one thing that truly satisfies our soul.
Morality: A Road to Disappointment
Jesus begins by challenging the young man to follow the commandments. His response? A bold, “Which ones?” He likely felt secure, ticking boxes of morality like not murdering or stealing, honoring parents, and helping neighbors. Yet his good behavior didn’t make his life work.
Jesus exposed a painful truth: rule-keeping won’t lead to joy or fulfillment.
We often follow the same path. We aim to be good people, following rules and traditions, but still feel restless. Like the ruler, we learn that morality without Jesus results in disappointment.
Does this resonate with you? Perhaps you’ve worked hard to live ethically or follow religious rules, only to feel an underlying emptiness. It’s not that commandments are bad—they’re essential! But apart from Jesus, they lack the power to transform our lives.
Money: A Mirage of Fulfillment
The young ruler had wealth—a mega amount, as the Greek text implies—but even with his abundance, he left Jesus sorrowful. Why? Because money, though helpful, cannot provide the deep satisfaction we crave.
Even celebrities echo this struggle. Brad Pitt remarked, “We’re heading for a dead end...a complete atrophy of the spiritual being.” Similarly, Lady Gaga admitted, “I won an Oscar...but in some ways, I still feel empty inside.”
Success and riches are tools, not saviors. When we rely on them, they amplify dissatisfaction instead of resolving it.
Think of the times you’ve looked to money to solve your problems. Did it ever deliver lasting happiness? Perhaps for a moment—but true joy cannot be bought.
Achievements: A False God
The rich young ruler also had status. He was a leader, accomplished, and respected. Yet, achievement made for a poor god. NFL quarterback Tom Brady reflected this sentiment: “Why do I have three Super Bowl rings and still think there’s something greater out there for me?”
We live in a world that celebrates achievement. Society tells us that success defines our worth, from academic honors to career milestones. But as the ruler’s story shows, accomplishments cannot fill the void in our hearts.
Take a moment to reflect: What achievements are you chasing? Are they helping you feel whole, or do they leave you longing for more?
The Turning Point: “What Do I Still Lack?”
At the heart of this story is the ruler’s powerful question to Jesus: “What do I still lack?” It’s a question many of us wrestle with when morality, money, and success fail us.
Jesus’ answer wasn’t about morality or possessions. It was about relationship. He said, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess, and give to the poor...Come, follow me.”
Jesus invited the ruler to surrender his identity as “the rich young ruler” and follow Christ. But the man’s hands were too full to receive Jesus.
This is the crux of the story: we cannot hold on to earthly idols and fully embrace Jesus. The ruler’s refusal to let go of his possessions resulted in sorrow and separation from God.
Life Found Only in Jesus
The rich young ruler’s story underscores what John 1:4 declares: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” True life isn’t found in external achievements or possessions. It’s found in Jesus.
When Jesus said, “Come, follow me,” He offered the man a chance to trade temporary satisfaction for eternal joy. This offer still stands today.
Are you feeling distant, disturbed, or dissatisfied? Have you pursued everything the world offers yet feel unfulfilled? You’re not alone. Jesus invites you to let go of the things that don’t satisfy you and embrace Him as the source of true life.
Steps to Find Fulfillment in Christ
Practical Application: Living a Fulfilled Life
The world will continue to promise fulfillment through material wealth, personal achievement, or moral perfection. But as this story reveals, none of these pursuits can deliver the life you’re looking for.
When Jesus said, “In Him was life,” He pointed us to the only source of true satisfaction. Life in Christ isn’t about having it all figured out. It’s about trusting Him to lead you, even when the path feels uncertain.
Conclusion: A Better Life Awaits
Jesus wasn’t being cruel when He asked the young man to give up his possessions. He was offering something better—life in Him. The same offer stands for you today. Will you release your grip on what doesn’t satisfy you and take hold of the life Jesus provides?
This blog is based on the message shared by Campus Pastor Chris DeArman on Sunday December 8, 2024. Check out the full message below!
The story of the rich young ruler offers profound insight into why morality, money, and success leave us unfulfilled. Through this man’s encounter with Jesus, we discover the one thing that truly satisfies our soul.
Morality: A Road to Disappointment
Jesus begins by challenging the young man to follow the commandments. His response? A bold, “Which ones?” He likely felt secure, ticking boxes of morality like not murdering or stealing, honoring parents, and helping neighbors. Yet his good behavior didn’t make his life work.
Jesus exposed a painful truth: rule-keeping won’t lead to joy or fulfillment.
We often follow the same path. We aim to be good people, following rules and traditions, but still feel restless. Like the ruler, we learn that morality without Jesus results in disappointment.
Does this resonate with you? Perhaps you’ve worked hard to live ethically or follow religious rules, only to feel an underlying emptiness. It’s not that commandments are bad—they’re essential! But apart from Jesus, they lack the power to transform our lives.
Money: A Mirage of Fulfillment
The young ruler had wealth—a mega amount, as the Greek text implies—but even with his abundance, he left Jesus sorrowful. Why? Because money, though helpful, cannot provide the deep satisfaction we crave.
Even celebrities echo this struggle. Brad Pitt remarked, “We’re heading for a dead end...a complete atrophy of the spiritual being.” Similarly, Lady Gaga admitted, “I won an Oscar...but in some ways, I still feel empty inside.”
Success and riches are tools, not saviors. When we rely on them, they amplify dissatisfaction instead of resolving it.
Think of the times you’ve looked to money to solve your problems. Did it ever deliver lasting happiness? Perhaps for a moment—but true joy cannot be bought.
Achievements: A False God
The rich young ruler also had status. He was a leader, accomplished, and respected. Yet, achievement made for a poor god. NFL quarterback Tom Brady reflected this sentiment: “Why do I have three Super Bowl rings and still think there’s something greater out there for me?”
We live in a world that celebrates achievement. Society tells us that success defines our worth, from academic honors to career milestones. But as the ruler’s story shows, accomplishments cannot fill the void in our hearts.
Take a moment to reflect: What achievements are you chasing? Are they helping you feel whole, or do they leave you longing for more?
The Turning Point: “What Do I Still Lack?”
At the heart of this story is the ruler’s powerful question to Jesus: “What do I still lack?” It’s a question many of us wrestle with when morality, money, and success fail us.
Jesus’ answer wasn’t about morality or possessions. It was about relationship. He said, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess, and give to the poor...Come, follow me.”
Jesus invited the ruler to surrender his identity as “the rich young ruler” and follow Christ. But the man’s hands were too full to receive Jesus.
This is the crux of the story: we cannot hold on to earthly idols and fully embrace Jesus. The ruler’s refusal to let go of his possessions resulted in sorrow and separation from God.
Life Found Only in Jesus
The rich young ruler’s story underscores what John 1:4 declares: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” True life isn’t found in external achievements or possessions. It’s found in Jesus.
When Jesus said, “Come, follow me,” He offered the man a chance to trade temporary satisfaction for eternal joy. This offer still stands today.
Are you feeling distant, disturbed, or dissatisfied? Have you pursued everything the world offers yet feel unfulfilled? You’re not alone. Jesus invites you to let go of the things that don’t satisfy you and embrace Him as the source of true life.
Steps to Find Fulfillment in Christ
- Identify Your False Gods: Reflect on areas where you’ve sought life outside of Jesus—morality, money, achievements, or other pursuits.
- Ask the Hard Question: Like the ruler, ask, “What do I still lack?” Be honest with yourself and God.
- Surrender Completely: Open your hands and heart to Jesus. Let go of anything that keeps you from following Him fully.
- Embrace the Word: Dive into scriptures like John 1:4 to rediscover that life is in Christ alone.
- Seek Community: Join a faith-filled community for support and accountability in your journey.
Practical Application: Living a Fulfilled Life
The world will continue to promise fulfillment through material wealth, personal achievement, or moral perfection. But as this story reveals, none of these pursuits can deliver the life you’re looking for.
When Jesus said, “In Him was life,” He pointed us to the only source of true satisfaction. Life in Christ isn’t about having it all figured out. It’s about trusting Him to lead you, even when the path feels uncertain.
Conclusion: A Better Life Awaits
Jesus wasn’t being cruel when He asked the young man to give up his possessions. He was offering something better—life in Him. The same offer stands for you today. Will you release your grip on what doesn’t satisfy you and take hold of the life Jesus provides?
This blog is based on the message shared by Campus Pastor Chris DeArman on Sunday December 8, 2024. Check out the full message below!
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