Why Christians Don’t Need To Fear The End Times

Fear and uncertainty about the end times have gripped humanity for centuries. From natural disasters to political unrest, people have long viewed these events as signs of an impending apocalypse. However, as a follower of Christ, you don't have to live in fear of what is to come. Instead of trembling in the face of judgment, you can stand confidently, knowing that Jesus has already secured victory for you. But what exactly does that mean for you? Let’s dive into the book of Revelation and see how it promises hope, not terror, for those who trust in Christ.

The Final Bowl of Wrath: Judgment Day Begins
The Bible describes a moment when the seventh angel will pour out a final bowl of God’s wrath. This event triggers a cascade of destruction, unlike anything the world has ever seen. Revelation 16:17 tells us, “The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘It is done!’” These words echo the phrase Jesus cried out on the cross, “It is finished.” Just as Jesus’ death marked the completion of God’s plan to save humanity, this moment signals the final step in bringing the world to its conclusion.

But what happens next is beyond anything we can imagine. As Revelation describes, entire cities will crumble, mountains will vanish, and massive hailstones weighing 100 pounds each will rain down from the sky. The economic and political systems of the world will be obliterated. The spiritual deception that has led so many away from God will be exposed and eradicated. Everything will be brought to an end.

Where Are God's People in All This?
Amid all this chaos, where are the followers of Jesus? Will they be hiding, trembling in fear as judgment is unleashed on the world? Absolutely not.

Revelation 15 gives us a powerful image of God’s people standing beside a sea of glass, mingled with fire, holding harps and singing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations” (Revelation 15:3). Instead of being overcome with fear, they stand in victory, praising God for His righteousness and justice.

Why You Don’t Have To Fear Judgment
Why can God's people stand confidently while others tremble in fear? The answer is simple: Jesus has already taken the wrath of God on your behalf. When He died on the cross, He absorbed the punishment that was meant for you and me. That’s why Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Because of His sacrifice, you are no longer subject to God's wrath. Instead, you are adopted into His family as a beloved son or daughter.

As a believer, you don’t have to live in fear of what will happen at the end of time. Revelation shows us that God’s people will be standing victorious, singing praises, and fully secure in their salvation. The wrath of God is not for you because Jesus already paid that price.

Hollywood vs. Biblical Truth
Pop culture loves to depict the end times as a terrifying event filled with fear and destruction. Movies and TV shows often paint a picture of people running for their lives, barely surviving as the world collapses around them. While there will certainly be destruction on Judgment Day, the reality for believers is entirely different.

You don’t need to buy into the fear that Hollywood promotes. The Bible tells a different story—one where God's people are safe, victorious, and praising Him even as the world falls apart. Revelation reminds us that no matter how bad things may look, Jesus has already won the battle.

How Should You Respond?
With all this in mind, what should your response be as you look forward to Judgment Day?
  1. Trust in Jesus’ Finished Work
    If you haven’t already done so, the most important step you can take is to put your faith in Jesus. He offers you the gift of salvation, sparing you from the coming judgment. All you need to do is turn to Him and accept His sacrifice on your behalf.
  2. Stand in Victory
    For those who have already placed their trust in Jesus, your job now is to stand firm. You are not called to fear, but to live in the confidence that Jesus has already won the battle. Let your life be a testimony to the victory He secured.
  3. Sing Praise to God
    Finally, like the believers in Revelation, let your life be marked by praise. Worship God every day, not just for the good things He has done, but for the fact that He has saved you from His wrath and given you eternal life.

Closing Thoughts: No Fear in Christ
The end times can be a scary subject for many people, but as a follower of Christ, you don’t have to live in fear. Jesus has already taken the punishment meant for you, and because of that, you can stand confidently in the face of any storm. So the next time you hear someone talking about the apocalypse or Judgment Day, remember this truth: You are secure in Christ, and no matter what happens, you have nothing to fear.

This blog is based on the message shared by Bellaire Campus Pastor Chris DeArman on Sunday October 20, 2024. Check out the full message below!
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