The Power of Dependency on God and the Holy Spirit

In the Christian life, dependency on God and the Holy Spirit is fundamental. It is through this dependency that we are filled with the power to accomplish the Great Commission. But how do we cultivate this dependency? What should we understand about God, the Holy Spirit, and how can we be filled with His presence?

Understanding the Role of Dependency
The first key to being filled with the Holy Spirit is recognizing our dependency on Him. Jesus instructed His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit because He knew that the vision and mission they were called to were too big for them to accomplish in their own strength. By depending on the Holy Spirit, they would not only experience His power but also give glory to God.

It is important to acknowledge that we cannot change another person's heart. Our role is to faithfully share the message of the Gospel, but it is the Holy Spirit who ultimately convicts and converts. The disciples themselves experienced a transformation after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. They were no longer timid and fearful but became bold and courageous in their proclamation of the Gospel.

The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Before we delve into the concept of being filled with the Holy Spirit, let us first understand the indwelling of the Spirit. When we come to faith in Jesus and accept Him as our Savior, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our lives. This indwelling is symbolized by being sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who becomes a guarantee of our inheritance in Christ.

While the Holy Spirit dwells within us at all times, it doesn't mean that we always walk in the fullness of His presence. This is where the concept of dependency comes into play. Just as a car needs to be refueled to keep running, we need to continually seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit's power.

The Repeated Empowerment of Being Filled
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not a one-time event but a continuous empowerment for living out our faith and sharing the good news with others. It is a repeated process of seeking and receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives.

In Ephesians 5:17-18, the apostle Paul instructs the church in Ephesus to not be foolish but to understand the will of the Lord. He contrasts being filled with the Holy Spirit with being controlled by wine, emphasizing the need to be filled with God's Spirit rather than being under the influence of anything else.

The phrase "be filled" in the original Greek text is in the present perfect tense, indicating an ongoing action. It can be understood as "be being filled," suggesting that we are to continually seek and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.

The Dependence on God's Spirit for Transformation
Dependency on God and the Holy Spirit is not just a one-way street. As we depend on Him, He works in our lives, transforming us from the inside out. We recognize that we cannot change ourselves or others, but it is the Holy Spirit who brings about true transformation.

When working with couples, for example, it is important to remind them that they cannot be the Holy Spirit for each other. They must surrender their attempts to change one another and instead rely on the Holy Spirit's work in their lives. The same principle applies to all areas of our lives. We must begin with ourselves, acknowledging our need for God's transformative power.

The Power of the Holy Spirit for Salvation
Without the Holy Spirit, true salvation cannot occur. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts hearts, leads to repentance, and enables belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. No one can come to faith and live for God without the power of the Holy Spirit at work.

Recognizing our dependency on the Holy Spirit reminds us of our need for Him in every aspect of our lives. We cannot rely on our own strength or efforts to fulfill God's purposes. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can experience true transformation and live out the Great Commission.

Cultivating Dependency on God and the Holy Spirit
So, how do we cultivate this dependency on God and the Holy Spirit? Here are some practical steps:

1. Surrender and Yield
Begin by surrendering your life to God and yielding to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Recognize that you cannot do it all on your own and invite the Holy Spirit to take control.

2. Prayer and Communion
Develop a consistent prayer life, seeking the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance daily. Spend time in communion with God, allowing Him to speak to your heart and shape your desires.

3. Study the Word
Immerse yourself in the Word of God. The Bible is a powerful tool for understanding God's character, His promises, and His will for your life. As you study, ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the scriptures and reveal His truth to you.

4. Fellowship and Worship
Engage in fellowship with other believers and participate in corporate worship. Being surrounded by a community of believers can encourage and strengthen your faith. Worshiping together creates an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit's presence can be experienced.

5. Walk in Obedience
Seek to align your life with God's Word and live in obedience to His commands. As you obey, the Holy Spirit will empower you to live a life that pleases God and reflects His love to others.

6. Be Open and Available
Be open and available to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Be sensitive to His promptings and follow His guidance, even if it may seem uncomfortable or unfamiliar.

7. Continual Seeking and Receiving
Remember that being filled with the Holy Spirit is not a one-time experience but a continual process. Continually seek His presence and be open to receiving His power and guidance in your life.

Dependency on God and the Holy Spirit is essential for living out the Christian life and fulfilling the Great Commission. Recognizing our need for His power and guidance, we surrender ourselves to Him, seeking to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. Through this dependency, we experience transformation, and the Holy Spirit works in and through our lives to impact the world around us. Embrace your dependency on God and the Holy Spirit, and watch as He empowers you to live a life that brings glory to Him.

This recap is from Great Week 4: E-Enabled and Empowered, The Power | Luke 24:49. Check out the full sermon below from Senior Pastor Dr. Roger Patterson.

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