A Note from Pastor Roger

Good afternoon, Church Family!

The final message in our Flourishing Family study is on Sunday. If you are unable to join us in person, you’re welcome to be with us online during one of our livestreamed services through our CityRise app, on our livestreams page, or at youtube.com/cityriseorg.

William Lane Craig & John Lennox

Later this month, we will have the privilege of hearing from two of the world's most prominent Christian apologists of the last few decades. I'm so excited to welcome William Lane Craig (Sunday, October 22) and John Lennox (Tuesday, October 24) back to our West U Baptist campus!

Professors, authors, public speakers, and ardent defenders of the Christian faith around the globe, Dr. Craig and Dr. Lennox will be on our sanctuary stage to articulate why studying science, math, philosophy, and other disciplines enhances our faith in Jesus Christ especially in the culture we find ourselves today.

These events will also be perfect opportunities to invite someone who has doubts about Christianity. So, mark your calendars with the dates you see below and check out the videos of their previous visits. These will be some wonderful discussions!
Watch Dr. Craig's visit on October 20, 2019
Watch Dr. Lennox's visit on October 9, 2017
Don't miss Dr. Lennox's other appearance on Monday evening, October 23 at Rice University where he will talk more on the topic of science, moderated by Rice University Professor James Tour.
There's more on the horizon, including festivals, men's and women's gatherings, and even Christmas events coming soon! Find more on our CityRise Hub Weekly.

See you on Sunday, Church Family!

Stay Expectant,
Pastor Roger

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