A Note from Pastor Roger

Good afternoon, Church Family!

It was great to begin Flourishing Family this past weekend with you! We began by looking at what God's foundation is for a flourishing family: the covenant of marriage. If you missed that important message (or the story of Anthony & Amelia), you can watch the recorded version I gave for our Bellaire campus here.

In part two of Flourishing Family, this coming Sunday we will be discussing the important role men have as husbands. If you are unable to join us in person, you’re welcome to be with us online during one of our livestreamed services through our CityRise app, on our livestreams page, or at youtube.com/cityriseorg.

Marriage Night • Friday, October 6

Has this first week of Flourishing Family encouraged you and your spouse to work more intently to become the couple God intends for you to be? Whether you have been struggling together lately or things are going really well, it's always good to invest in your marriage. Why not invest over dinner and a night that will be fun and encouraging?

Register for Marriage Night! This year's special guests are Jackie and Stephana Bledsoe of Happily Married Couples. These two have appeared on ABC News, The 700 Club, Moody Radio, and within the YouVersion Bible app. Jackie is the author of The 7 Rings of Marriage, and they both have speaking and podcast hosting experience.

With registration, you'll be treated to a dinner, a fun talk from the Bledsoes, and a chance to connect further together. I hope to see you there!

Childcare is available! You will be asked if you need childcare after completing registration.
I'll see you on Sunday, Church Family!

Stay Expectant,
Pastor Roger

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