A Note from Pastor Roger

Good evening, Church Family!

I’m excited about this week's update. So many of the initiatives we have been working toward are progressing and beginning to take shape.

Planned Giving Strategies Underway

Below is a video I made with David Thoroughman, CEO of Mortarstone. Many of you have asked about a plan for planned giving, tax-smart giving, and the like. Well, Mortarstone is our teammate to help you minimize what Uncle Sam gets so you can maximize what you give to the Kingdom of God. David explains more in the video. Also, you can go to mortarstonecharitable.org/cityrise to find out more and connect with Tim Deatrick, our Mortarstone Generosity Counselor.

App Update

Our CityRise app is out and being used every day. As a matter of fact, we have almost 1,000 downloads already! We want to exceed that number many times over, but we need your help. If we can break the 1,000 download milestone, we will give away a $100 Amazon gift card! (To qualify, you must have downloaded the app and create a profile within it.)

Our app is where you will receive the greatest amount of content and information about our ministry, weekly updates from me and for the campus you attend, and so much more.

Construction at Crosspoint Update

We are making great progress in construction at our Bellaire campus, Crosspoint Church - Bellaire. Here are a few photos so you can see the progress, and for a quick update, read more in the Bellaire Campus Weekly here or on the app.

Student Ministry Update

We are continuing our search for the next student pastor for Crosspoint. Please join us in praying for the right leader for our students. We have a number of candidates we are looking at and have an interim plan that Pastor Chris reveals in the Bellaire Campus Weekly.

Commitment Sunday

May 7 is Commitment Sunday for the halfway point of our Deep & Wide Generosity Initiative. We are asking that you would prayerfully consider one of the following three commitments:

  • If you are new to our CityRise Family, please Join the Vision by making a 12-month financial commitment to Deep & Wide.
  • If you made a commitment last year and are not increasing it at this halfway point, please communicate to us that you plan to finish out your commitment.
  • If you are increasing your commitment, please fill out a new card on May 7 and let us know the new grand-total of your commitment.
Thank you for prayerfully considering your commitment, and please come on May 7 to turn in your Commitment Card. We will also be taking the Lord’s supper together.

God is moving . . .

Stay Expectant,
Pastor Roger

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