A Note from Pastor Roger

Dear Church Family,
Deep & Wide Day is almost here. I can’t wait to update you on all that our Lord has been doing in our lives and show you just how close we are to fully funding these initiatives. This Sunday, May 19, we will gather under one roof at Houston Christian University for a morning of worship and thanksgiving to God. It will be a day to grasp the breadth and depth of the Deep & Wide Generosity Initiative and make our final push to the finish line of this season.

Some of you are ready to fulfill your commitment to Deep & Wide this Sunday. I want to encourage you to bring your gift as an act of thanksgiving to God and put it in the offering baskets when they are passed at HCU.
Many of you have exceeded your initial Deep & Wide generosity commitment—thank you for your continued investment beyond what you previously communicated! Would you also bring a gift to help us reach our goal of fully funding these initiatives?
Others of you have been giving faithfully without having made a commitment. Would you join us in this final push for Deep & Wide? It takes every one of us to go where God has called us.
If you can’t be with us but want to make sure you get your gift in, you are welcome to mail your contribution to our Business Office (at West U Baptist, 6218 Auden, Houston, TX 77005) or give online at cityrise.org/give through your CityRise account or PayPal; there, you’ll also find alternative methods for contributing such as non-cash gifts, or tax-smart or planned giving.
Would you like to hear a little more about Deep & Wide Day? Our Executive Pastor, Kirby Follis, sat down with Justin Kellough and Jennifer Dennis for a fun interview on the Almost Amazing Podcast. If you have a few minutes to watch or listen, I know it will bless you. 
I hope you have a great weekend, Church Family, and are as excited as we are for Deep & Wide Day this Sunday to worship God all together and celebrate His generous blessings!

Going Deeper to Reach Wider,
Pastor Roger

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