A Note from Pastor Roger

Dear Church Family,
This weekend, we will look at our next installment of Psalm 37 and "Still Standing." The call for our lives is to “Do Good.” It’s a simple principle, and I believe you are going to be greatly encouraged at how the CityRise family does good. One example will be Sunday night’s Dinner & Deploy, which will provide practical ways to walk out your faith locally and internationally. Our team has been working very hard to make something special out of this series and weekend.

Additionally, our annual church business meeting is scheduled for next week on Wednesday, February 26 (beginning at 6P at our CityRise West U Baptist campus). We will discuss the five motions that the church family will vote on during Sunday services on March 2; you'll find these motions in a special publication at church this coming Sunday.

We also are launching our Global Missions Offering this weekend! This is our annual offering to support our Southern Baptist mission organization at the local, state, national, and international levels. Because you give we can make a global impact! Please begin to pray now about how you will participate.

Stay warm this weekend, and we'll see you on Sunday, Church Family!

Stay Expectant,
Pastor Roger
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