Be Still Devotional: Day 10

Devotion for Friday February 21
Ryan Hardin | IT Director

Psalm 18:39
For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me.

Devotional Thought
Have you ever watched a movie where the protagonist undergoes an intense transformation, all condensed into a short motivational montage? Flashes of sweat-drenched training. Moments of perseverance. Glimpses of triumph. Mere cinematic convenience making the journey appear effortless and quick.

In reality, we don’t have that luxury with our battles. Our journeys don’t enjoy such shortcuts. But is there a way to make our journeys more manageable?

David thinks so. After being delivered from his enemies, David sang Psalm 18 to the Lord, revealing his secret: David had not looked to himself, but to the true source of triumph—the Lord.

In verse 39, David acknowledges that it was the Lord who “equipped [Daivd] with strength for the battle.” David’s strength didn’t originate from his own abilities; it was from the Lord’s gracious provision. David’s enemies did not sink due to his own actions; it was the Lord who made them sink. God’s sovereign hand overcame David’s opposition. David’s song repeatedly expressed that his relationship with, and dependence upon, the Lord led him to victory. David’s journey was not about self-empowerment but divine enablement.

And why did the Lord intervene so mightily? Because David “kept the ways of the Lord” (v. 21) and prioritized obedience to God’s law. David also “called to the Lord for help” (vs. 3, 6), recognizing his need for the Lord’s assistance, and the Lord trained David for battle (v. 34).

So, as you keep His ways, put Him before yourself, and call upon His name, trust that the Lord will empower you with strength and give you victory over the challenges you face. May your confidence rest in the Lord. It is He who fights for His children who seek Him. Today, seek the Lord and receive His empowering presence and strength.

Reflection Questions
  • In what area do I need to ask God to renew my strength?
  • Where am I currently lacking trust that God will intervene?

Suggested prayer/action step
Choose one thing you have to do this week and, before doing it, (1) give thanks to God for choosing you to be His instrument for the work, and (2) pray that God would be both glorified during the process and praised afterwards.

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