We are excited to try something new with our Global Missions Offering!

For 2025, we have moved the offering to the spring so that it can have more prominence. We will begin taking this offering on Sunday, February 23 and complete it on Palm Sunday, April 13.

Our goal is to give $300,000 to Southern Baptist Missions organizations. Specifically, we will give
  • 60% to the International Mission Board
  • 20% to the North American Mission Board
  • 10% to the Baptist General Convention of Texas
  • 10% to our local association, the Union Baptist Association
These agencies utilize the cooperative gifts of Southern Baptist Churches to fund our missionaries, and every dollar of these offerings goes to fund missions at the international, national, state, and local levels.

Please prayerfully consider giving a gift, designating it GLOBAL MISSIONS OFFERING between February 23 and April 13, 2025.
Please note that the option to give online to the Global Missions Offering will begin on Sunday, February 23!