CityRise Weekly Guide

Welcome new and familiar. All you need for this week is right here. Find this page in the app, on the web, or through the QR code at church. Bookmark this page, or better yet, get the app. This page is the most up-to-date form of communication we have. Let's get you connected with the things you need. 

Christmas eve services

Tuesday, December 24

4601 Bellaire Blvd

Missouri City
2106 5th St.

West U Baptist
6218 Auden

3:00p* & 5:00p
4:00p & 6:00p*
* Livestreamed services will be 3:00p (Bellaire), and 6:00p (West U Baptist) at

Blood Drive

Friday, January 3 • 9A-1:30P
NEW LOCATION: CityRise Bellaire, 4601 Bellaire Blvd

Blood donors receive a free "Be Bold. Donate Blood." hoodie. Choose your time to donate below!

Open Door

Tuesday mornings, January 7 - May 20 • 9:00A-12:00P
at CityRise Bellaire, 4601 Bellaire Blvd

Open Door, our arts and crafts ministry, has been around since 1971! If you want to learn a new hobby or hone your craft while fellowshipping with others, this is the perfect place to do so! Invite a friend!

Some of the classes offered are beading, diamond art, fabric painting, quilting, scrapbooking, stained glass, watercolor, wood burning, and more.

Glimpses of Heaven

Wednesdays, January 8 - 29 • 10:30-11:45A
CityRise Bellaire, 4601 Bellaire Blvd, Room 219

In Colossians, the Paul highlights the preeminence of Christ, the completeness believers find in Him, and the call to seek heavenly things. These themes are woven together to provide believers with a rich understanding of their identity in Christ and their ultimate hope—a glimpse of heaven.

CityRise Men's Bible Study

Tuesday mornings, January 14 - April 29 • 6:15-7:30A
at CityRise Bellaire, 4601 Bellaire Blvd

Coffee, kolaches, and biblical deep dives for men.

Faithful Fathering: A Dad's Armor

Wednesdays, January 15 - February 12 • 6:30-7:30P
at CityRise West U Baptist, 6218 Auden, Room 211

A continuation of the previous Faithful Fathering meetings. Faithful Fathering is a transformative and supportive lay-led small group that equips dads and father figures to become heroes in their children's lives and make a lasting impact in their lives and the next generation.

Students Winter Retreat

January 17 - 19 • $225
Camp Cho-Yeh, Livingston, TX

Open to all 6th-12th grade students

We're excited to return to Camp Cho-Yeh to camp with one another and get closer to God on this fun, uplifting, and powerful weekend retreat.

Document Your Life

Transform a Little Golden Book into a 2025 Planner!

Sunday, January 26 • 2-5P • $40
CityRise West U Baptist, 6218 Auden, Chapel

Document your life and faith this year by transforming a Little Golden Book into a planner for 2025. No experience required!

GriefShare Weekly Support Group

Tuesdays, January 28 - April 29 • 1-2:30P • $25 (discount available)
CityRise West U Baptist, 6218 Auden, Room 212

GriefShare is a Christ-centered support group program that helps people deal with the grief of losing a loved one.

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Visit our Events page or one of our ministry pages below

We'd love to see you

We'd love to see you at any of our events.  They are all open to the public and we always have people ready to welcome you into the mix. 

Follow us on social media.