Session 2 | Deep & Wide

Why are we sometimes not as generous as we could be? The struggle to trust God is at the heart of the struggle to be generous. In session 2, Roger and Dan discuss the profound concept of the roots under a vast tree, looking at Jeremiah 17:7-8. It includes, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream.” Jeremiah has painted a vivid picture of the fruitful blessing of trusting God, which is lived out in faithfulness towards God’s command to give back to Him some of what He has given to us. Our round table group will discuss how this concept has manifested in their own lives, and the ways God is continuously helping them to overcome their own lack of trust as they learn to grasp God’s definition of abundance and generosity.