
Somos alimentados para la misión de Dios a través de la adoración en congregación.

Houston tiene una de las poblaciones más diversas de la nación, y nuestra población increíblemente alta de residentes de habla hispana; significa que la iglesia local debe ministrar a estos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo en el idioma de su corazón. Tenemos dos congregaciones de habla hispana que se reúnen en nuestros campus y nos encantaría que considere unirse con nosotros en persona.

We are fueled for God's mission through gathered worship.
Houston has one of the most diverse populations in the nation, and our incredibly high population of Spanish speaking residents means the local church needs to be ministering to these brothers and sisters in Christ in their heart language. We have two Spanish speaking congregations that meet at our campuses, and we'd love for you to consider joining us in person soon.
Nuestra congregación de habla hispana en la ciudad de Missouri City se reúne los domingos en 2106 5th Street. El pastor Justo Robinson y su equipo lideran un increíble tiempo de adoración y también ofrecen clases de estudio bíblico y otras oportunidades más temprano en el día. Para obtener más información, haga clic en el botón "Aprende más" en la parte superior de la página.
• Adoración Dominical // 11:00 am
• Grupos Comunitarios: Domingos, 9:30 am & Miércoles, 7:30 pm
Our Spanish speaking congregation in Missouri City meets on Sundays at 2106 5th Street. Pastor Justo Robinson and his team lead an incredible time of worship, offering Bible study classes and other opportunities earlier in the day. For more information, click on the "Learn More" button at the top of the page.
• Sunday Worship // 11:00a
• Community Groups: Sundays, 9:30 am & Wednesdays, 7:30 pm

Serving You


Walking in your faith life together is central to the way CityRise brings the message to you and to the world.


Your spiritual journey and identity in Christ is served well at CityRise through groups, classes, and worship with others in your stage of life alongside others.

Single Parent Homes

The support and resources needed to serve your family can be found at CityRise through its programs and leaders. We are here for you.


The entire family has the opportunity to grow in Christ, both as a family and as individuals. We want to help you take advantage of all opportunites.

Adult Ministry

Bellaire Campus

With vibrant Men's and Women's ministries, Bellaire holds classes and events regularly, including conferences to help you grow.

Missouri City Campus

Missouri City offers vibrant Men's and Women's ministries, hosting regular classes, events, and conferences designed to foster personal growth.

West U Campus

With  vibrant Men's and Women's ministries, West U Baptist holds classes and events regularly, including conferences to help you grow. It is currently home to the weekly Men's Bible study. 

Join Us

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Community Groups

As an adult, it is important to connect with other adults in similar life stages. Community Groups aim to help you grow alongside others to both give and receive in your walk of faith.  


With a start and finish date, a class is a great way to get into one topic, grow, and respond in faith. Classes are designed with you in mind. From financial classes to apologetics, CityRise gives you the opportunity to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Men's Ministry

With a weekly Men's Bible study and meeting, we hope to connect you regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. We provide meaningful activities and gatherings year round for guys to connect with God and others.

Men's Bible Study | Tuesdays 6:15-7:30a at West U Baptist Chapel

Women's Ministry

There are many opportunities for you to connect with each other regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. We provide meaningful activities and gatherings year round for ladies to connect with God and others.

All of Life, all for Christ

The ministries at CityRise are here to serve you in all aspects of life.  Each one specializes in helping you connect deeper and continually with Christ. 

Adult Ministry | Mens | Womens

Your needs, met by leaders who care and know your situation, life struggles, and needs. 


From biblical counseling to pastoral, marital to professional, counseling offers the opportunity to be in a one-on-one setting. We hope you reach out when you "smell smoke" well before the "house is on fire."

Care Ministry

Crisis can arise. Food, living, and basic necessities are available. A partnership with the Medical Mission allows us to provide medical and dental care as well. 

Open Door

Our Open Door arts and crafts program is a great way to make new friends, learn a craft, and have a sweet time of fellowship. Each semester, we offer classes such as watercolors, quilting, stained glass, and more.


With free English classes of various levels available, everyone is welcome! Childcare is available. You can come to one class or all classes. To register, come a few minutes before the class starts.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Justo Robinson

CityRise Missouri City Español Pastor